Friday, September 26, 2014


Things have been beyond hectic the past few school weeks, so I'm some of the books I've read won't be getting full reviews, or, at least, won't be getting them right now. So here are a couple of informal, miniature ones that may be expanded later.

The Pirate's Wish (The Assassin's Curse, #2)
I felt much the same about this one as I did about The Assassin's Curse. (Full review of The Assassin's Curse here). It didn't really captivate me. Some books just don't, I guess. I still had the feeling that the parameters of the world hadn't been set, which weakened it as world-building went. I was still pretty "meh" about the romance, and still found some of the characters remained pretty static.
Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass, #2)
I still don't know how I feel about this series. It seems that I can't get through a book in the series on the first try (Throne of Glass took me three, this took me two). It seems kind of like "high fantasy-lite", if you will. I found myself somewhat frustrated with how long it took for characters to come to conclusions that I had reached in the first quarter of the book (the riddle was pretty obvious and such). Celaena still doesn't really feel like an assassin to me (most of the time), and certain other characters bothered me. That said, I did still enjoy reading it, despite my occasional frustration, and I am interested in what is coming next. I'll read Heir of Fire when it becomes available at my public library.
Unmade (The Lynburn Legacy, #3)
This was one that I was eagerly anticipating. I found both Unspoken and Untold to be fun and entertaining reads, and this one mostly lived up to what I was expecting. I almost always end up feeling like endings in trilogies like this were rushed (or even a little deus ex machina), and this wasn't really an exception. The climax felt like it was over too fast. This book was more emotional for me than the other two. There was still a lot of humour in the is one, but much of it would fall into the category of "gallows humour,"because there was a lot of dark stuff going on. My favourite parts often included Lillian and Jon (they have a fun dynamic), and I generally really liked most of the characters, though I do still question some storytelling decisions. Overall I enjoyed it, though there were still some things that I wasn't a huge fan of. I will probably do an informal "Book Talk" for this at some point, if not a review.

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